Thursday 9 August 2018

You are beautiful

Yes,you are beautiful. This should be a constant reminder to yourself, You might be thinking why i picked this topic but it's important to tell you that it is your duty to tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful enough to rock the world. You don't have to depend on others, you have the power to solve all the problems of the world.
There are two types of beauty, inner and outer, the most important, in my opinion, is inner beauty. When you ask about someone's beauty, everyone will talk about cheek bones, color and height, no one will tell you that he or she is very innocent ,polite etc. All the boys  are crazy about a girls fairness. Most people just tend to care about a persons physical appearance. 
Inner beauty is very important, if you don't have ethics, if you don't know how to respect our elders, if you don't know how to build up a family, if you don't know how to behave, then fairness, blue eyes don't matter at all. Literally outer beauty doesn't matter at all if you don't have inner beauty, make yourself beautiful from the inside and out.
Today, no one is satisfied, everyone thinks that he or she is bad, they are not beautiful that's why no one likes them. So it's very important to note that just don't bother what others think about you, everyone has their own thinking. So stop caring about anybody thinking bad about you, try to satisfy yourself.
This is a very  important message for today's generation.
So, make yourself beautiful for yourself, I'm not saying that if you are beautiful from inner then there is no need to take care of your outer beauty. It's our responsbility that we should take care of our physical appearance, But not for others but for yourself. I love to do beauty remedies but I'm not doing it for the people,I'm making myself happy.
It's easy to see beauty in your friends, try to find your own beauty.
here is my message for all my beauties.


  1. Lovely blog with a great message. Thank you!

  2. I absolutely love this! Thank you! We can be our worst critics and be so mean to ourselves. This is a great reminder that we are beautiful.

  3. Great post! Keep up motivating others!

  4. Inner beauty is definitely more important than outer beauty, love the motivation!
